In the past there were only three methods of dealing with the movement, cracking, and settling of concrete. The first, live with it. The second, permanently remove it. The third, totally replace it. Today there is a much better alternative, Raise It! Raising to repair concrete saves money and keeps concrete and steel out of our landfills.
Looking for concrete repair services in Waco, TX? Contact our certified concrete repair experts today for more information and a free estimate. We’re available 24/7. Get driveway repair, sidewalk repair and more. Also offering decorative concrete services. Serving Waco and Temple, TX.
In the past there were only three methods of dealing with the movement, cracking, and settling of concrete. The first, live with it. The second, permanently remove it. The third, totally replace it. Today there is a much better alternative, Raise It! Raising to repair concrete saves money and keeps concrete and steel out of our landfills.
Slab stabilization is often required when slabs lack support, but may or may not be settled. Slabs can crack when loads exceeding its capacity are applied. Slab/joint stabilization applications require the voids to be filled to eliminate movement and offer support.
Concrete settling is not the only issue our foams can solve. Voids under slabs are often present in areas where wash out or excessive settling has occurred. This material will weigh on average 15-25 times less than a traditional mud jacking or cementitious grout mix, applying less stress on an already failed subgrade.
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